The big boss has already left and the guards are looking for us.
Don Kan manages to capture Eva and Gazée.
Dan: We're trapped, Don Kan has been spying on us the whole time, we have to find a way out of here.
Jane: No, if we leave, they'll discover us.
Dan: And if we stay, they'll go away and say we can sell the castle and take the money and become a member of their organization.
And that's how we decided to escape, after a firefight and a chase.
22 hours later,
We went back to Las Vegas where it all started, the chief of police and the others were all shocked and angry to learn that the two bounty hunters had been captured by the bad guys and he had made a deal with them.And we couldn't do anything, but Jane had time to get her hands on an SD card, not much evidence, but it would help.
The local police chief was very angry and wouldn't give up easily.
That's when our heroine Helena showed up, a former cop who left the force to become a detective, just like her father before her.
Her conventional approach irritated Dan, but she's a nice girl, because she wanted Dan and Jane on the case, so they decided to work as a team.
It didn't take Helena long to realize that it was just a jealous husband.
She's going to question the billionaire and she's going with us to his house.
When we got there, Helena told him if you'd argued with your wife before she died, he mumbled but decided to tell the truth anyway and said yes."We had a fight an hour before she was killed.
"You called this number, he saw the SD card and said where did you find it?"
"Where were you before?"
"You didn't answer our question, we're asking if you called this number.
"I don't know anything."
"Bah really sir"
"Your wife's brother said you were jealous because he was too close to your wife.
"How can you say that, Inspector, but he's her brother, how could I be jealous of him?"
"We'll see about that.
Helena: you were actually present in Los Angeles at the time my colleagues were investigating, and to clarify things, you were actually in the same area.
Billionaire: It may have been a coincidence, but being at the scene of an investigation doesn't make me a suspect, or worse, a murderer.
Dan: I know, but you should know that you used a police technician to give you top secret information about the investigation, we wanted to carry out our secret mission, so how did you know if you weren't an accomplice?
Billionaire: But what do I know about your investigation?
Helena: You know, your wife's brother claimed that you tried to kill him on the day of the murder.
It seems you didn't want a witness, so you gave him money to keep quiet.
Dan: And to top it all off, we found an SD card with a video of you talking to the big boss's son, as he's known, and we found your footprint somewhere in the house, so it looked like you'd gone to get rid of some evidence.
Helena: It's still not enough for us to put you in jail, and there's some news our two bounty hunters are here and the person you had infiltrate our camp is currently in jail.
Dan: Helena, we can't put him in jail because we still don't know if they're the real culprits.
Helena: Sometimes you have to act accordingly. If a case is too mysterious, you can't let it go for a second.
Dan: Well, I think we'll keep him as our prime suspect.
Helena: Well, we'll do a spell to bring him back to our true purpose.
Dan: What is our true purpose?
Helena: To get justice, that's my goal.Dan: What if we had two goals instead of one?
Helena: The organization is illegal anyway, two targets or not, we'll take them both down.
Dan: It's crazy, they have infiltrators in the CIA CENTRAL INTERLIGENCE AGENCY.
Helena: But we're not giving up, dear colleague.
Dan: So let's watch our backs.
Merci pour la lecture!
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