luxe-(fornite) Zaza B

This blog is about my life. I'll be updating every Sunday, to keep you up to date with the latest happenings. Make sure to give this a like, a review and follow!!!

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Hi there! I'm Zaza

So today, I'm basically going to be talking a little about my life and how it's going. Right now it's Saturday and I'm going to have breakfast. A peanut punch. It's like a smoothie but it's an actual punch. Punches are a bit more thick. Their delicious!😁 Anyways, I have a best friend, we'll call her JJ ( that's not her real name I'm just calling her that for the sake of anonymity). We are close, like most best friends we argue alot. Like ALOT!!!! 😁. But after a few minutes we just start back talking to each as if nothing happened. Ikr! I actually just got a pet turtle 🐢. His name is Theodore. He still isn't quite accustomed to me yet. Still, you know with time he'll get accustomed. I just got my punch. It's delicious! Yum, yum and YUM! That's all for now friends. Bye!!!!

13 Mars 2021 15:21 4 Rapport Incorporer Suivre l’histoire
À suivre… Nouveau chapitre Tous les 15 jours.

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Commentez quelque chose

Ajania C. Ajania C.
Aww, this was honestly adorable. Theodore!!! 🥺
May 20, 2021, 00:35

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