C Clark Carbonera

When for the first time I tried to understand things that most people think they understand.

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#brazilian-poetry #god #spiritual
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Confusing thoughts

Paint colorful pictures in

My mind and I lose focus.

I try to speak in words, but

They disappear in the roof of the mouth,

Lose their meaning and

My tongue is all tangled up.

So I try to write in words,

Because perhaps between the lines of

Phrases I can capture Your name.

But what a pretension of mine,

To think that in these verses

Assembled with semiwords

I will find what a whole

Race in history craved.

Your name is sacred.

Maybe my first step

Be praise.

24 Octobre 2020 00:00 12 Rapport Incorporer Suivre l’histoire
La fin

A propos de l’auteur

C Clark Carbonera “A utopia está lá no horizonte. Me aproximo dois passos, ela se afasta dois passos. Caminho dez passos e o horizonte corre dez passos. Por mais que eu caminhe, jamais alcançarei. Para que serve a utopia? Serve para isso: para que eu não deixe de caminhar.” Fã de carteirinha de Buffy - The Vampire Slayer.

Commentez quelque chose

Katerina Kaya Katerina Kaya
What a touching poem! Nice one
September 11, 2021, 11:07

Anwar Hossain  Jeebon Anwar Hossain Jeebon
Excellent starting.
June 13, 2021, 18:19

Emon Kalawan Emon Kalawan
Emotionally amazing
April 04, 2021, 00:10

Patricia Pixie Patricia Pixie
Truly beautiful and emotive.
March 28, 2021, 01:20

Patricia Pixie Patricia Pixie
Truly beautiful and emotive.
March 28, 2021, 01:20