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⠀⠀«Lo que tuvimos solo viene una vez en la vida». ⠀⠀Un amor impoluto y natural que nació con el tiempo, pero que no podía ser consumado igual. ⠀⠀A veces, el amor mutuo no era suficiente y se requería… COMMENCER LA LECTURE

The Storyteller's Silence

Master and apprentice are one and the same. They have lived one another's lives, shared each other's joys and sorrows. They have only one problem: one of them lives in the past, the other in the futu… COMMENCER LA LECTURE

The Storyteller's Tale

Master and apprentice are one and the same. They have lived one another's lives, shared each other's joys and sorrows. They have only one problem: one of them lives in the past, the other in the futu… COMMENCER LA LECTURE

Três acasos e uma segunda chance

Mesmo vivendo como opostos complementares de si mesmos, Jimin e Jungkook cultivavam um amor ardido e vermelho, um laço bonito que os conectava há 3 anos já. Porém, após o inesperado término, Jimin lu… COMMENCER LA LECTURE