In 2216, Humanity's golden age of revitalized interest in space travel and colonization had long come to an end due to a rapidly rising insurrectionist movement in the Outer Colonies. At the peak of an all-out war, humanity comes into contact with a…
2 histoires 1 d’autres média 1.1mille vues


An uninhabited planet rich with minerals and nutrients has been located far from the intergalactic alliances reach. They have unanimously voted to send nine colonies of citizens representing each nation in the alliance. The goal is to forge a new wo…
283 vues

The Universe of Space & Time

Space, Time, All.
8 histoires 750 vues 2 4

Time Seeker

This Story will be based on multiple main characters and their journey as they join each other in order to face a common threat. Even though there will be multiple Protagonist everyone will have their own unique story to deliver as well as a purpose…
1 histoires 625 vues 1 1


Welcome to Serenity, the outlands, life here is different. Very different.
2 histoires 858 vues 3 6