
Belloc is the setting of The Vampire's Bride, Wicked Heart (forthcoming), and Heart of Misrule (forthcoming). The Vampire's Bride and Heart of Misrule are set in the realm of Morhollt while Wicked Heart is set in the realm of Verdoux. Different race…
2 histoires 2.4mille vues 1

the life and death

este universo de ficcion se vasa en las historias que ocurren en el metaverso creado por cusou el ser supremo en busca de diversion
7 histoires 2 microfictions 4.2mille vues


Persiapkan diri untuk menghadapi era digital bila tak ingin terpental
574 vues 1


Universo fictício baseado em mitologia judaico-cristã e em conceitos da Cabala.
1 histoires 2 d’autres média 4.2mille vues 2