Icicle Child.

We enter the life of a private eye; the most disturbing murders that beckon his calling. David has to be careful not to mix up family life and work with this new killer scaring the streets; lucky for him, the people around him should keep him sane from the killer's insanely mind. The legacy will forever be sealed as greatness.
#7 dan Thriller/Mystère 34.4mille vues 63 25 Histoire terminée

The man with the hood

Vanessa has had an accident and remembers nothing. The only remnant of her past that remains with her are her strange dreams about a man in a hoodie. Who is this man? Why can't she remember anything? She will do anything to unravel these mysteries
12.2mille vues 4 19 Histoire terminée

En fuite de son passé

Tome 1 : Destin enchaîné Tome 2 : En fuite de son passé Comment est-ce que je peux protéger les vies de ceux qui me sont chers ? En étant simplement partie loin de mes amis, de la vie que j'avais commencé à construire en étant bien dans mes chaussures mais rien ne s'est passé comme prévu... Un coup de fil peut tout faire basculer. Dep…
23.3mille vues 1 13 Histoire terminée

Destin enchaîné

Kaitlyn voit sa vie basculée lors d’une soirée, une enfant se retrouve à grandir dans un gang et le destin ne joue pas en sa faveur. Une porte s’ouvre lors d’une erreur fatale, elle finit par en sortir des années plus tard et cette vie la suit, jusque dans un autre pays. Le danger la guette encore, sa nouvelle identité, sa nouvelle vie et ses …
15.5mille vues 5 9 Nouveau chapitre Tous les dimanches


Chained Destiny

Kaitlyn sees her life turned upside down during a party, a child finds herself growing up in a gang and destiny does not work in her favor. A door opens during a fatal mistake, she ends up coming out years later and this life follows her, even to another country. Danger still awaits her, her new identity, her new life and her new friends will no…
21.1mille vues 47 4 Histoire terminée

The Glimpse

Emily, a young girl living in Ukraine, as she navigates the sudden rise of a war. When bombs hit her school, Emily finds refuge in a shelter with her classmates but soon realizes that she cannot stay there forever. She embarks on a journey to an abandoned home, but tragedy strikes, and Emily is left alone to face the dangers that lie ahead. Will s…
#12 dan Thriller/Mystère 39.9mille vues 26 24 Nouveau chapitre Tous les 15 jours


Year 1675

Handprints on the mirror, hair being eaten, footsteps in the dust, mysterious smells, a child's touch, baldness, a cut nose, a hanging corpse, murder, and gunfire. What happened was true, and what was going to happen was also true. What was visible to the eyes was true, and what was hidden from view was also true. Whether the crime was committed…
#10 dan Thriller/Mystère 28.8mille vues 109 32 Histoire terminée

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