When Death Calls

You think you have a perfect life: a loving husband, the job of your dreams, loyal friends. When you suddenly receive a message that changes everything you took for granted. #TheChatOfCrime
#6 dan Criminalité 7.6mille vues 8 11 Histoire terminée

John Depp Special Agent: Deadly Pride

Une partie de l’univers de John Depp, Special Agent RELEASED ON JUNE, 9 AS A CELEBRATION OF JOHNNY DEPP'S BIRTHDAY. This is a series of books dedicated to Johnny Depp. This is the type of character I would like to see Johnny perform in a movie. In these books, Johnny is a divorced FBI special agent and a former Texas Ranger living in DC. He has been demoted and now works on cold cases, but he still…
#1 dan Criminalité 33.3mille vues 212 25 Nouveau chapitre Tous les 15 jours

Game Over

Une partie de l’univers de New York City "How can you rob lots of money without going to jail?" This is the question Frank Simpson a well-known criminal asked himself. He is an ex-convict. He went to jail for armed robbery twice. If he gets caught again it will be his third strike. He met a nerd in jail. Timothy Hudson was sentenced to jail for cyber crimes. He had hacked into the FBI s…
1.2mille vues 3 2 Histoire terminée