Funfair Murder

A murder in an amusement park... A murderous murderer... The partnership of two murderers... And a police officer thought to be a traitor... The characters, places and subject mentioned in the book are completely fictional and have no connection with real life. WARNING, CONTAINS MURACY!!!!!!
#5 dan Criminalité 24.4mille vues 69 21 Histoire terminée

Shadow in the Dark

A man's life changed forever when he lost his brother in a tragic accident.He tried to find the culprit who destroyed his family. On the other hand, he tries to put the pieces together. Everyone in the town is a suspect, and he doesn't know who to trust. 
61.1mille vues 5 19 Nouveau chapitre Tous les 30 jours


A Cold Night of December

A police officer discovers a man in the woods in peculiar circumstances, and they try to determine if he is the victim or the assailant.
44.4mille vues 4 28 Nouveau chapitre Tous les 30 jours
