Saving the Dark Prince

Kate was over the moon with excitement when her trio of friends booked an adventurous vacation to an exotic ranch at the foothill of a mountain for her, in celebration of her twenty-fifth birthday. Climbing a mountain during winter had always been her wishful desire and was at the top of her bucket list. She wasn't concerned that the idea made her…
Histoire courte 822 vues 1 3 Histoire terminée

Fiebre de la Cumbre

Un hombre, al escalar el Monte Everest, se enfrenta a la lucha por la supervivencia, sin imaginar, sin embargo, que la avalancha sería el menor de sus problemas.
Histoire courte 871 vues 2 4 Histoire terminée

The Summit Fever

A man, on his way to the top of Mount Everest, faces a seemingly deadly avalanche, not knowing the worst was yet to come.
Histoire courte 944 vues Histoire terminée

A Febre do Cume

Um homem, ao escalar o Monte Everest, depara-se com a luta pela sobrevivência, sem no entanto imaginar que a avalanche seria o menor dos seus problemas.
Histoire courte 1.1mille vues 2 Histoire terminée

III - Huyendo del Infierno

Huyendo del infierno es el tercer relato corto del reto de escritura «El Reclamo de la Reina Loca». Es la tercera parte de la trilogía. Puedes leer el primer relato, «Sea Quest», y el segundo, «Secret Place», para completar la historia. Aquí encontrarás los enlaces:úsqueda-submarina/?ref=mobile https://getin…
#12 dan Aventure 2.2mille vues 10 5 Histoire terminée

III - Fleeing from Hell

Fleeing Hell is the third short story of the writing challenge "The Mad Queen Claim". This is the third part of the trilogy. You can read the first story, "Sea Quest", and the second story, "Secret Place" to complete the story. Here you can find the links.…
#9 dan Aventure 2.2mille vues 5 5 Histoire terminée

Calipso – Aventura Submarina 3

Después del emocionante descubrimiento y los peligros enfrentados en la ciudad sumergida del Guardián de las Mareas, Lucas, Ana y Carlos regresaron al puerto de Cascais con más preguntas que respuestas. El equipo ampliado y los nuevos recursos trajeron un renovado sentido de determinación. Ahora, con un equipo más robusto y equipado, estaban list…
#9 dan Aventure Histoire courte 2.0mille vues 7 9 Histoire terminée

Calypso - Underwater Adventure 3

After the thrilling discovery and dangers faced in the submerged city of the Tide Guardian, Lucas, Ana, and Carlos returned to the port of Cascais with more questions than answers. The expanded team and new resources brought a renewed sense of determination. Now, with a more robust and equipped team, they were ready to face new challenges. The clu…
Histoire courte 2.3mille vues 5 8 Histoire terminée

Calypso - Aventura Submarina 3

Após a emocionante descoberta e os perigos enfrentados na cidade submersa do Guardião das Marés, Lucas, Ana e Carlos retornaram ao porto de Cascais com mais perguntas do que respostas. A equipe ampliada e os novos recursos trouxeram um renovado senso de determinação. Agora, com uma equipe mais robusta e equipada, estavam prontos para enfrentar os …
Histoire courte 2.2mille vues 4 8 Histoire terminée

Awakened (The Lost Kingdom of Arancia #3)

Still trapped in the Kingdom of Arancia, Ayesha and Eddie finally know the truth of what happened a thousand years ago that caused the kingdom to sink. As Ayesha is determined to help save the place, she agrees to restore a family artefact to its rightful place causing the lost kingdom to rise to the surface taking pride and place in the Aracia…
Histoire courte 2.4mille vues 5 Histoire terminée

Deniz Altı Mezarlığı 3

Adada ölümle burun buruna gelen ve kayıp krallığa gizli bir geçit bulan grup mükafatlandırıldıklarını zannederken krallığın gerçek sahibiyle tanışır. Ölüm tehlikesi hâlâ devam ediyordur. Üstelik krallığın gerçek sahibi, bir grup insanın kendi topraklarını sahiplenme yanılgısına düştüğünü görünce onalrı cezasız bırakmayacaktır. Serinin üçüncü ki…
#6 dan Aventure Histoire courte 2.3mille vues 3 8 Histoire terminée

II - Lugar Secreto

La aventura de nuestros seis amigos en Puerto Argentino continúa si quieres saber lo que pasó antes puedes leer: "Búsqueda Submarina" at @getinkspired. Check it out:úsqueda-submarina/?ref=mobile. Cuando decidieron salir a la superficie los seis buzos se encontraron atrapados en un mundo submarino donde podía…
2.2mille vues 4 4 Histoire terminée

II - Secret Place

The adventure of our six friends in Puerto Argentino continues if you want to know what happened before you can read: When they decided to go to the surface the six scuba divers found themselves trapped in an underwater world where they could breathe and talk as if they were out of the w…
#7 dan Aventure 2.4mille vues 4 6 Histoire terminée

La Ciudad Submarina-III

Miguel, Jesús, Lia y Juan se encuentran cara a cara con la Reina Loca en su Reino Mágico, luego de que Lia rescata el anillo de Poseidón del interior de la Torre de Cristal. ¿Podrán nuestros héroes deshacerse de ella y liberar a Poseidón del hechizo que lo rodea y salvar nuestros mares del peligro?…
Histoire courte 2.2mille vues 3 3 Histoire terminée

The Underwather City III

Miguel, Jesus, Lia and Juan found themselves facing the Insane Queen in her Magical Kingdom, after Lia takes Poseidon's ring from the Crystal Tower. Will our heroes be able to get rid of her and free Poseidon from the spell he's been cast and save the seas from danger? https://getinksp…
Histoire courte 2.3mille vues 5 Histoire terminée

A Cidade Subaquática III

Miguel, Jesus, Lia e Juan encontram-se frente a frente com a Rainha Louca em seu Reino Mágico, após Lia resgatar o anel de Poseidon de dentro da Torre de Cristal. Conseguirá nossos heróis se livrarem dela e libertar Poseidon do feitiço que o cerca e salvar nossos mares do perigo? h…
Histoire courte 2.5mille vues 4 Histoire terminée

I - Búsqueda Submarina

Un grupo de amigos se embarcó en una aventura que resultó ser más de lo que esperaban. Todos iban juntos a bordo de un velero; querían explorar la costa del Océano Atlántico desde Buenos Aires hasta Mar del Plata pero cuando se acercaban al puerto de Mar del Plata les azotó una tormenta y terminaron a millas de distancia en Las Grutas. No dispuest…
#8 dan Aventure 2.6mille vues 5 9 Histoire terminée

I - Sea Quest

A group of friends embarked on an adventure that turned out to be more than they expected. They all went together on board a sailing ship; they wanted to explore the cost of the Atlantic Ocean from Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata but when they were getting close to the port of Mar del Plata a storm hit them and they ended up miles away in Las Grutas…
#3 dan Aventure 2.7mille vues 3 7 Histoire terminée

Aventura Submarina - Parte 2 - El Guardián de las Mareas

En "Aventura Submarina - Parte 2 - El Guardián de las Mareas", Lucas, Ana y Carlos se embarcan en una expedición para explorar las ruinas de una ciudad sumergida y descubren más de lo que esperaban: un globo de cristal que aprisiona al Guardián de las Mareas. Al removerlo, el trío se encuentra en una carrera contra el tiempo para restaurar el equi…
Histoire courte 2.9mille vues 4 11 Histoire terminée

Underwater Adventure - Part 2 - The Guardian of the Tides

In "Underwater Adventure - Part 2 - The Guardian of the Tides," Lucas, Ana, and Carlos embark on an expedition to explore the submerged ruins of an underwater city and discover more than they expected: a crystal globe that imprisons the Guardian of the Tides. Upon removing it, the trio finds themselves in a race against time to restore balance and…
Histoire courte 2.8mille vues 4 9 Histoire terminée

Aventura Submarina: O Guardião das Marés

Em "Aventura Submarina - Parte 2 - O Guardião das Marés", Lucas, Ana e Carlos embarcam em uma expedição para explorar as ruínas submersas de uma cidade submersa, e descobrem mais do que esperavam: um globo de cristal que aprisiona o Guardião das Marés. Ao remove-lo, o trio se vê em uma corrida contra o tempo para restaurar o equilíbrio e desvenda…
#2 dan Aventure Histoire courte 2.9mille vues 5 10 Histoire terminée

Aventura submarina – parte 1

Tres amigos aventureros parten del vibrante puerto de Cascais, Portugal, a bordo del velero Albatroz. Lucas, Ana y Carlos tienen como destino la misteriosa reserva natural de las Islas Berlengas, buscando explorar su rica biodiversidad y paisajes inexplorados. Armados con una valentía insaciable, se enfrentan a una tormenta inesperada que los desv…
#10 dan Aventure Histoire courte 2.6mille vues 8 7 Histoire terminée

Submarine Adventure – Part 1

Three adventurous friends set sail from the vibrant port of Cascais, Portugal, aboard the Albatross sailboat. Lucas, Ana, and Carlos are headed for the mysterious natural reserve of the Berlengas Islands, seeking to explore its rich biodiversity and uncharted landscapes. Armed with insatiable courage, they encounter an unexpected storm that divert…
#5 dan Aventure Histoire courte 3.0mille vues 4 7 Histoire terminée

Aventura Submarina - Parte 1

Três amigos aventureiros partem do vibrante porto de Cascais, Portugal, a bordo do veleiro Albatroz. Lucas, Ana e Carlos têm como destino a misteriosa reserva natural das Ilhas Berlengas, buscando explorar sua rica biodiversidade e paisagens inexploradas. Armados com uma coragem insaciável, eles se deparam com uma tempestade inesperada que os desv…
Histoire courte 2.8mille vues 6 10 Histoire terminée

Witnesses of the Night - Episode 1

The protagonists of this first novella by C. Clark Carbonera are Priscila Nova, a woman who once made a living chasing legends and myths but gave up her profession years ago, and Nicolas Galla, a vampire hunting others of his kind to atone for a massacre he committed centuries ago. This novella, set in an unspecified period and a fictional city, b…
#2 dan Aventure 3.4mille vues 12 6 Histoire terminée


Todos los mitos esconden algo real.
Histoire courte 5.5mille vues 11 9 Histoire terminée

O Marido Desconhecido

O que você faria se acordasse em uma cama de hotel na França sem que soubesse como fora parar lá? Um passaporte estranho e um recado: Seu marido a aguarda no saguão. Mergulhe nesta aventura e descubra os segredos que cercam Frieda.
#12 dan Aventure Histoire courte 5.6mille vues 8 8 Histoire terminée

Lo que el desierto oculta

¿Eres tú quien escoge el camino o es el destino quien te guía?
Histoire courte 5.8mille vues 11 15 Histoire terminée