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Getting Back To Work

Well, I will start by saying thank you to all the readers out there. I also want to apologize for the delays on my stories, I have a job and am a father of five kids so I'm very busy. Don't get me wrong I love writing even though I'm not even close to good at it. I'm going to redo the complete first Apex Nation novel, and then start on the second fresh. I also have a short story series dropping about a man's rise through the ranks of Cobra, from G.I.Joe. Also a new story about a things banishment to the Field of Bones, and a novel about the Archangel called Day Of Judgment. I'm still working on Forgotten Princess and a few others. I appreciate everyone who has stuck by my side and read my stories. I'll be in touch with you all and keep the blog going. 26 Avril 2023 22:02 0 Rapport Incorporer 0

Stories Upon Stories

Hello everyone, I hope you're doing great. I'm talking today about all the stories going through my head... so many that I might not be able to keep up. My Apex Nation series is going to be my first money-making novel, at least I hope, once I rewrite and fix some issues add more character depth and detail, it's going to be great. by the way, the second book in the series is coming real soon... promise. there is a lot more work to writing than a person would think... I mean you write 10,000 words and then rewrite and rewrite it takes a toll on you, but that's what we do and we just keep doing it. they say the average novel is 80,000 words or more if you think about it that is a lot of words. not to mention keeping track of characters and remembering all the details, which usually means a lot of rereading over and over again. it's no wonder people get writer's block. I'm up right now writing because I had an idea and ran with it, I love it when that happens there is no better feeling to me. I'm working on like twelve stories right now, maybe I should slow down but I won't... well I'll let you get back to your daily routines... have a wonderful day readers and writers.

30 Juin 2021 12:56 2 Rapport Incorporer 1

My Apex Nation series

well, I'll begin by thanking Inkspired for allowing me to write it's what I love. I would also like to thank anyone who has read any of my work. anyhow this Apex Nation series I'm very passionate about, I have a nine-year-old, daughter, that has been co-writing with me, she wants to be a marine biologist, (I hope she sticks to it.) we were sitting there one day watching a shark movie, (I believe it was Toxic Shark.) and I said, what if sharks evolved and could walk on land? my daughter was fascinated with the idea. So I started writing. anyhow, we have been working on it daily. I know it isn't perfect, but it's a rough draft, so any thoughts or criticism is expected and appreciated, can't get better without it. we are almost done with the first book in the series titled The Babysitter. once again I thank you all and hope you keep coming back for more, I think the book has the potential for something big. till next time, take care and God bless.

25 Juin 2021 10:14 0 Rapport Incorporer 0
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