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All Around You

All around you becomes wetness.

There is no need for fearing.

Now, we are one and the same.

Just hold me tight against you.

I need to feel your heartbeat.

All around you, there is nothing but desire.

I feel you, burning under my skin.

I taste you, like the sweetest liquor.

Nothing else matters for me.

Nightly king of my hidden desires.

Pristine bruise of my heart.

Nothing can erase these memories.

Hide your feelings, but I know the truth.

All around you is what you feel for me.

Dare to be honest with yourself?

21 de Abril de 2021 a las 20:08 1 Reporte Insertar Seguir historia

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Patricia Pixie Poesía y microrrelatos son mis pequeños grandes placeres a la hora de escribir.

Comenta algo

Rebecca Wright Rebecca Wright
I like it 😊 dare to be honest...
January 16, 2022, 13:57