You who are calling Seguir autor

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alicealamo Alice Alamo

This time you are the one calling. The sweet melody from my cell phone makes me look at it distrustful, asking myself if you wouldn’t have misunderstood me with someone else. — Will you not answer? — a friend asks. Will I? You’d not call me without a good reason, you’re stubborn, your pride bigger than your love, I know it very well. But, at the same time, I know that maybe you’re just calling to make me suffer, Sis. Again. I turn off the phone and shake my head. — Not this time.

#drama #theauthorscup #themicrostoryller
  May 24, 2019, 14:37.
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1 Comentarios
Ariane Munhoz Ariane Munhoz
Eventualmente o cansaço vence qualquer esperança de que as coisas dêem certo. Gosto de ser a pessoa otimista que pensa que o copo é sempre (ShinoKiba) cheio. Provavelmente teria atendido. Mas entendo completamente a resiliência da personagem em seguir em frente. Esse foi o meu favorito até o momento.
May 23, 2019, 00:42

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