Maria Gabriella Lazzarini Follow

High school English Teacher. I ♥️ music & films, traveling, taking pictures, drawing, & painting. I scuba dive and fence. Writing is a way of letting my emotions free! Buenos Aires , Argentina.
519.1k Words
JOINED Mar 11, 2023
Ultimate Inkspired+++ Level 25

My Stories

The World of Pirates

This Universe is inspired on the movies Pirates of the Caribbean and it will help you understand the times, traditions, and life of colonialism in America. Still in progress!
6 stories 32.2k views 15 19

John Depp, Special Agent

This universe is dedicated to the series of book. "John Depp: Special Agent" This is the story of Special Agent of the FBI John Depp, former Green Beret, Texas Trooper and Texas Ranger. Book 1: Deadly Pride Book 2: Saints and Sinners Book 3: Black …
4 stories 1 microfictions 3 other media 46.6k views 12 13

New York City

New York City comprises 5 boroughs sitting where the Hudson River meets the Atlantic Ocean. At its core is Manhattan, a densely populated borough that’s among the world’s major commercial, financial, and cultural centers. Its iconic sites include sk…
16 stories 4.1k views 4 3

John Depp Agente Especial: Orgullo Mortal

Esta es una serie de libros dedicados a Johnny Depp. Este es el tipo de personaje que me gustaría ver a Johnny interpretar en una película. En estos libros, Johnny es un agente especial del FBI divorciado y ex Texas Ranger que vive en DC. Ha sido de…
3.8k views 56 12 New chapter Every 15 days

John Depp Special Agent: Deadly Pride

RELEASED ON JUNE, 9 AS A CELEBRATION OF JOHNNY DEPP'S BIRTHDAY. This is a series of books dedicated to Johnny Depp. This is the type of character I would like to see Johnny perform in a movie. In these books, Johnny is a divorced FBI special agent a…
#1 in Crime 30.0k views 208 25 New chapter Every 15 days

In Love with the Heir

This is the story of Nathaniel Rockefeller Vanderbilt, the fruit of the forbidden love between Alison Rockefeller, the youngest daughter of John Rockefeller, and Russell, the heir of the Vanderbilt family—the two wealthiest families in New York. Whe…
#2 in Romance 3.3k views 112 13 Story completed

Enamorada del Heredero

Esta es la historia de Nathaniel Rockefeller Vanderbilt, fruto del amor prohibido entre Alison Rockefeller, la hija menor de John Rockefeller, y Russell, el heredero de la familia Vanderbilt, las dos familias más ricas de Nueva York. Cuando Russell …
#21 in Romance 2.9k views 100 23 Story completed

Las Aventuras del Capitán Jack Sparrow

Esta es una parodia. Una historia paralela a Piratas del Caribe. La historia de Jack en su tiempo libre con amigos y familiares. Es una mirada irónica a su vida privada, donde cuelga las botas y deja de ser capitán pirata para ser hijo, sobrino, am…
2.7k views 71 7 Story completed

The Adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow

This is a parody. A parallel story to Pirates of the Caribbean. The story of Jack in his spare time with friends and family. It is an ironic look at his private life, where he hangs up his boots and stops being a pirate captain to be a son, nephew, …
#1 in Fanfiction 14.4k views 440 56 Story completed

Game Over! (Fin de Juego)

"¿Cómo se puede robar mucho dinero sin ir a la cárcel?" Esta es la pregunta que se hizo Frank Simpson, un conocido criminal. Es un ex convicto. Fue a la cárcel por robo a mano armada dos veces. Si lo atrapan nuevamente, será su tercer delito. En la …
96 views 3 Story completed

Game Over

"How can you rob lots of money without going to jail?" This is the question Frank Simpson a well-known criminal asked himself. He is an ex-convict. He went to jail for armed robbery twice. If he gets caught again it will be his third strike. He met…
74 views 3 2 Story completed

Antología de Halloween

La Antología de Halloween recopila relatos de terror y horror de diversos autores de Inkspired.
862 views 97 11 New chapter Every week

단편소설 모음

이 이야기는 Inkspired의 도전을 위해 특별히 작성되었습니다. 또한 제가 참여하지 않은 챌린지에 제안된 주제에서 영감을 받은 이야기도 포함합니다. 그 중 일부는 개정 및 수정되었으며 일부는 확장 버전이 있습니다.
236 views 4 New chapter Every 15 days



这些故事是 Inkspired 专门为应对挑战而写的。我还收录了一些故事,这些故事的灵感来自于我没有参与的挑战所提出的主题。其中一些已被修订和更正,另一些则有扩展版本。
186 views 4 New chapter Every 15 days



Non Verified story これらのストーリーは、Inkspired による課題のために特に書かれたものです。私が参加しなかった課題に対して提案されたトピックからインスピレーションを得たストーリーも含まれます。一部は加筆・修正されており、その他は拡張版となっております。
129 views 4 New chapter Every 15 days


אסופת סיפורים קצרים

סיפורים אלה נכתבו במיוחד עבור האתגרים על ידי Inkspired. אני כולל גם סיפורים בהשראת נושאים שהוצעו לאתגרים בהם לא השתתפתי. חלקם תוקנו ותוקנו, ואחרים הורחבו.
229 views 8 New chapter Every 15 days


Samhain Part I

When they decided to travel to Ireland to celebrate Halloween on their ancestors' land they never thought their lives would turn into a nightmare. Two young couples, friends since college traveled to northern Ireland to find their roots but found m…
3.1k views 6 6 Story completed

Samhain Part II

Non Verified story When they decided to travel to Ireland to celebrate Halloween on their ancestors' land they never thought their lives would turn into a nightmare. Two young couples, friends since college traveled to northern Ireland to find their roots but found mo…
3.1k views 5 2 Story completed

Sanhain Parte II

Non Verified story Cuando decidieron viajar a Irlanda para celebrar Noche de Brujas (Halloween) en la tierra de sus antepasados nunca pensaron que sus vidas se convertirían en una pesadilla. Dos jóvenes parejas, amigos desde la universidad viajaron al norte de Irlanda…
3.0k views 3 1 Story completed

Recueils de Nouvelles

Ces histoires ont été écrites spécialement pour les défis d'Inkspired. J'inclus également des histoires inspirées par des thèmes proposés pour des défis auxquels je n'ai pas participé. Certaines d'entre elles ont été revues et corrigées, d'autres on…
225 views 9 1 In progress

Gesammelte Kurzgeschichten

Diese Geschichten wurden speziell für die Challenges von Inkspired geschrieben. Ich habe auch Geschichten aufgenommen, die von Themen inspiriert sind, die für Herausforderungen vorgeschlagen wurden, an denen ich nicht teilgenommen habe. Einige von i…
311 views 10 1 In progress

Contos Recolhidos

Esses contos foram escritos especialmente para os desafios do Inkspired. Também incluo histórias inspiradas em temas propostos para desafios dos quais não participei. Alguns deles foram revisados e corrigidos, e outros têm versões ampliadas.
#27 in Short Story 14.4k views 11 8 In progress

Sobreviviendo a mí Ex

Linda Patterson, una amiga muy querida de Clarice Ford, conoció a Mark Hamilton, un amigo cercano de Nathaniel Rockefeller Vanderbilt, antes de su fiesta de compromiso. Clarice y Nathaniel les pidieron que fueran sus dama de honor y padrino de boda …
371 views 1 1 Story completed

Surviving my Ex

Linda Patterson, a very dear friend of Clarice Ford's, met Mark Hamilton, a close friend of Nathaniel Rockefeller Vanderbilt's, at their engagement party. Clarice and Nathaniel asked them to be their bridesmaid and best man in their wedding and as t…
367 views 2 Story completed

Raccolta di Racconti

Questi racconti sono stati scritti appositamente per le sfide di Inkspired. Includo anche storie ispirate a temi proposti per sfide alle quali non ho partecipato. Alcuni di essi sono stati rivisti e corretti, mentre altri sono stati ampliati.
7.4k views 10 8 In progress

Collected Short Stories

These Short Stories were specially written for the challenges by Inkspired. I also include stories inspired by themes proposed for challenges I didn't take part in. Some of them have been reviewed and corrected, and some have extended versions.
#1 in Short Story 50.0k views 88 21 New chapter Every 15 days

The Collected Stories of Two Hemispheres

This is a social commentary about the northern and southern hemispheres of our world. The thoughts, feelings and actions that make us similar and, those that divide us. The goal of the written project is to bring us all closer together and free from…
#8 in Inspirational 52.2k views 40 20 Story completed

Gloriosos Guerreros

Los celtas defienden su tierra contra las fuerzas anglosajonas. Esta vez, no sólo defenderán su país, sino que atacarán y reclamarán los seis condados del norte aún bajo dominio enemigo. El Primer Ministro de Irlanda, Simon Harris, miembro del Fine …
581 views 2 2 Story completed

Glorious Warriors

The Celts are defending their land against the Anglo-Saxon forces. This time, they will defend their country and attack and claim the six northern counties still under the enemy's control. The Prime Minister of Ireland, Simon Harris, a member of the…
465 views 1 Story completed

Maria, Reina de los Escoceses

Esta es la historia de María, reina de Escocia, y su rivalidad con Isabel. Sus últimos momentos de vida, recordando su vida y la historia de su familia, sus últimos pensamientos y el amor que sentía por su país y su hijo, James.
903 views 2 2 Story completed

Mary, Queen of Scots

This is the story of Mary, Queen of Scots, and her rivalry with Elizabeth. Her last moments of life reminiscing her life and her family history, Her last thoughts, and the love she had for her country and her son, James
883 views 4 3 Story completed

Cuentos Recopilados

Estos relatos fueron escritas especialmente para los desafíos por Inkspired. También incluyo relatos inspirados en temas propuestos para retos en los que no participé. Algunos de ellos han sido revisados y corregidos, y otros tienen versiones amplia…
#4 in Short Story 43.3k views 102 67 New chapter Every 15 days

The Date

Christopher and Mary had been texting each other for almost a year. They met on a dating app, and after chatting for so long they decided it was time to meet in person. Mary chose a crowded cafe for the meeting because she wanted to be cautious, aft…
#3 in Teen Fiction 1.8k views 8 6 Story completed

La Cita

Christopher y Mary llevaban casi un año enviándose mensajes de texto. Se conocieron en una aplicación de citas, y después de chatear durante tanto tiempo decidieron que había llegado el momento de conocerse en persona. Mary eligió una cafetería llen…
#12 in Teen Fiction 1.8k views 10 10 Story completed

III - Huyendo del Infierno

Huyendo del infierno es el tercer relato corto del reto de escritura «El Reclamo de la Reina Loca». Es la tercera parte de la trilogía. Puedes leer el primer relato, «Sea Quest», y el segundo, «Secret Place», para completar la historia. Aquí encontr…
#13 in Adventure 3.0k views 11 6 Story completed

III - Fleeing from Hell

Fleeing Hell is the third short story of the writing challenge "The Mad Queen Claim". This is the third part of the trilogy. You can read the first story, "Sea Quest", and the second story, "Secret Place" to complete the story. Here you can find the…
#9 in Adventure 2.9k views 5 5 Story completed

II - Lugar Secreto

La aventura de nuestros seis amigos en Puerto Argentino continúa si quieres saber lo que pasó antes puedes leer: "Búsqueda Submarina" at @getinkspired. Check it out:úsqueda-submarina/?ref=mobile. Cuando decidi…
2.9k views 4 4 Story completed

II - Secret Place

The adventure of our six friends in Puerto Argentino continues if you want to know what happened before you can read: When they decided to go to the surface the six scuba divers found them…
#6 in Adventure 3.2k views 4 6 Story completed

Edgar Allan Poe (En Español)

En opinión de Poe, un relato corto debe ser lo bastante breve como para leerse de un tirón o de una sentada, terminar simultáneamente con el clímax de la narración y presentar un único estado de ánimo.
3.5k views 9 6 New chapter Every 30 days


Edgar Allan Poe

In Poe's estimation, a short story should be brief enough to be read in a single sitting, should end simultaneously with the climax of the narrative, and should feature only a single mood.
3.4k views 3 2 New chapter Every 30 days


I - Búsqueda Submarina

Un grupo de amigos se embarcó en una aventura que resultó ser más de lo que esperaban. Todos iban juntos a bordo de un velero; querían explorar la costa del Océano Atlántico desde Buenos Aires hasta Mar del Plata pero cuando se acercaban al puerto d…
#6 in Adventure 3.3k views 6 10 Story completed

I - Sea Quest

A group of friends embarked on an adventure that turned out to be more than they expected. They all went together on board a sailing ship; they wanted to explore the cost of the Atlantic Ocean from Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata but when they were ge…
#4 in Adventure 3.6k views 3 7 Story completed

Que Hay que Tener en Cuenta al Analizar un Cuento

Una guía no sólo para leer cuentos, sino también para escribirlos.
3.7k views 8 6 Story completed

What to Look for When Analysing a Short Story

A good guide not only to read short stories but to write them as well.
3.8k views 9 4 Story completed

Cuando la Muerte Llama

Crees que tienes una vida perfecta: un marido cariñoso, el trabajo de tus sueños, amigos leales. Cuando de repente recibes un mensaje que cambia todo lo que dabas por sentado. #LaCharlaDelCrimen
5.5k views 5 8 Story completed

When Death Calls

You think you have a perfect life: a loving husband, the job of your dreams, loyal friends. When you suddenly receive a message that changes everything you took for granted. #TheChatOfCrime
#4 in Crime 5.2k views 8 10 Story completed

Poesía y algo más!

Poesía y algo más!
#20 in Poetry 18.8k views 174 19 New chapter Every 30 days

Blog Story

Samhain Parte I

Cuando decidieron viajar a Irlanda para celebrar Noche de Brujas (Halloween) en la tierra de sus antepasados nunca pensaron que sus vidas se convertirían en una pesadilla. Dos jóvenes parejas, amigos desde la universidad viajaron al norte de Irland…
#51 in Thriller/Mystery 13.3k views 3 5 Story completed

The Tyranny of Time

Short stories about the passing of time. How we experience different events at different moments of our life.
#2 in Short Story 50.0k views 49 44 New chapter Every 30 days

La Tiranía del Tiempo

Cuentos cortos sobre el paso del tiempo. Como experimentamos diferentes eventos en diferentes momentos de nuestras vidas.
27.7k views 50 27 New chapter Every 30 days

Viviendo en un Sueño sin Fin

¿Qué haría si supieras que vas a morir, cuándo cómo y dónde y no pudieras ´hacer nada al respecto?
#36 in Thriller/Mystery 6.1k views 10 9 Story completed

Deniz Feneri: Kanlı Ayın Etkisi Altında Genişletilmiş Versiyon

Johnny ile nihayet güvende olduğunuzu düşündüğünüzde, yüzleşmeniz gereken daha fazla zorlukla karşılaştınız. İkiniz bu doğal afet fenomeniyle yüzleşebilecek miydiniz? Sığınacağınız güvenli yerin hayaletler tarafından lanetlendiğini öğrendiğinizde n…
3.3k views 3 2 Story completed


Светионик: Под утицајем крвног месеца (проширена верзија)

Када сте мислили да сте ти и Џони коначно безбедни, наишли сте на више изазова са којима се суочите. Да ли бисте се вас двоје могли суочити са овим феноменом природне катастрофе? Шта би се догодило када бисте сазнали да је безбедно место за уточиште…
3.2k views 2 1 Story completed


Increíblemente Imperdonable

Imagínese despertar junto a un extraño que dice ser su marido. ¡Lo único que sabes con seguridad es que él no es tu marido!
#37 in Thriller/Mystery 5.9k views 11 8 Story completed

Incredibly Unforgivable

Imagine waking up next to a stranger who claims to be your husband. The only thing you know for sure is that he is not your husband!
#6 in Thriller/Mystery 6.7k views 15 16 Story completed

Misteriosa Carta

Historia paralela al libro John Depp, Agente Especial: Orgullo Mortal. John investiga un caso sin resolver. Él reabre el caso cuando recibe la cabeza de un caso del 2007. En ese año una mujer decapitada fue encontrada en Washington. Este caso es más…
#24 in Thriller/Mystery 7.6k views 7 6 Story completed

El Faro: Bajo la Influencia de la Luna de Sangre

Cuando crees que finalmente estás a salvo, te encuentras con más desafíos que enfrentar. ¿Serán capaces tú y tu novio de hacer frente a este fenómeno de desastre natural? ¿Qué sucede cuando descubres que el lugar más seguro para refugiarte es uno em…
#13 in Paranormal 6.4k views 8 10 Story completed

The Lighthouse: Under the Inluence of the Blood Moon

When you think you are finally safe, you encounter more challenges to face. Will you and your boyfriend be able to face this natural disaster phenomenon? What happens when you find out that the safer place to take refuge is a haunted one, inhabited …
#3 in Paranormal 6.5k views 12 13 Story completed

How to Reset Your Inkspired Password

Non Verified story If you have problems opening your Inkspired Account and you need to recover or reset your password. Here are the steps you need to follow. Dedicated to Megan @time-2 Megan, I hope you can recover your old account. Best wishes, Gaby.
3.6k views 6 3 Story completed

Aonghus, El Último Hechicero Escocés

Esta es una historia que planeé enviar para el desafío "La Búsqueda Mágica", pero me dejé llevar y ya no cumplía con los requisitos. Decidí tomarme mi tiempo y hacer la historia que quería hacer y olvidarme del desafío. Es una historia sobre el anhe…
#12 in Inspirational 3.4k views 9 10 Story completed

Aonghus, The Last Scottish Sorcerer

This is a story I planned to submit for the "The Magical Quest" challenge, but I got carried away, and it no longer fit the requirements. I decided to take my time and do the story I wanted to do and forget about the challenge. It is a story about t…
#4 in Inspirational 4.0k views 9 16 Story completed

Mystery Letter

A story related to one of the cases FBI Special Agent, John Depp, is working on. This new development will lead to a sex scandal in the Capitol.
#2 in Thriller/Mystery 6.8k views 9 13 Story completed

K-9 Olfateando Problemas

Non Verified story PRÓXIMAMENTE. Basado en la triología de las películas de James Belushi, K-9. Está destinada a ser la secuela de K-9, K-911 y K-9: PI (Universal Studios). Te sugiero que mires las películas para entender las nuevas historias. Resumen de las película…
2.9k views 4 7 New chapter Every 10 days


A young boy named Magnus, the son of a Roman senator's servant fell in love with Aeliana, the daughter of the most crucial general in the Empire, the daughter of Tiberius, the Praefectus Preatorio (The Commander of the Pretorian Guard). He knew that…
#19 in Romance 8.6k views 22 24 Story completed


Un joven llamado Magnus, hijo de un sirviente de un senador romano, se enamoró de Aeliana, la hija de Tiberius, el general más importante del Imperio, el Praefectus Preatorio (Comandante de la Guardia Pretoriana). Sabía que su destino estaba sellado…
#79 in Romance 5.3k views 14 16 Story completed


¡A veces tu peor pesadilla puede convertirse en tu mejor sueño! Lo que comenzó como un evento trágico luego se convirtió en una escapada prometedora. Se dice que “la belleza está en el ojo del que mira”, pues en este caso, un lugar que me causó mied…
#17 in Adventure 5.7k views 17 20 Story completed


Sometimes your worst nightmare can become your best dream! What began as a tragic event later became a promising escapade. It is said that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", well, in this case, a place that caused fear and uncertainty for my fu…
#10 in Adventure 17.7k views 21 28 Story completed


Este cuento fue escrito para el desafío Somos la IA. ¿Puede un robot tener alma? ¿Puede un robot salvar a la humanidad de ser esclavizada por la misma tecnología que ellos mismos inventaron? ¿Cómo escapar de la vigilancia del Gran Hermano una vez qu…
#12 in Science Fiction 12.2k views 16 22 Story completed

I Am Back!

This short story was written for the challenge We are the AI. Can a robot have a soul? Can a robot save humanity from being enslaved by the same technology that they have invented? How to escape from the watch of Big Brother once Artificial Intellig…
#2 in Science Fiction 22.2k views 21 23 Story completed

Living in an Endless Dream

This short story was specifically written for the Event: Chasing Dreams. I hope you enjoy it and you check my other stories, as well. #3 in the Inkspired Challenge Chasing Dreams
#5 in Thriller/Mystery 20.0k views 18 17 Story completed

Il Tenente

La gente dice che il tempo può guarire qualsiasi ferita, ma cosa succede quando il tempo passa e alcune ferite sanguinano ancora. Aveva bisogno di guarire. Solo lui poteva capire la sua sofferenza, il suo desiderio, i suoi desideri, le sue speranze.…
10.0k views 9 14 Story completed

El Teniente

La gente dice que el tiempo puede curar cualquier herida, pero qué pasa cuando pasa el tiempo y algunas heridas todavía sangran. Ella necesitaba sanar. Sólo él podía comprender su sufrimiento, sus anhelos, sus deseos, sus esperanzas. ¿Cómo no iba a …
#7 in Paranormal 8.6k views 30 53 Story completed

The Lieutenant

People say that time can heal any wound, but what happens when time goes by and some wounds still bleed? She needed to heal. Only he could understand her suffering, her yearning, her desires, her hopes. How could he not, he was her guardian angel. H…
#1 in Paranormal 25.5k views 16 36 Story completed

K-9 Sniff Trouble

Non Verified story COMING SOON. Based on James Belushi's film K-9 triology. This is intended to be the sequel of K-9, K-911, and K-9: PI (Universal Studios). I suggest you watch them to understand the new stories. Abstract of the movies: K-9: Michael Dooley is a cop w…
3.1k views 5 11 New chapter Every week

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