In the near future, humanity faces imminent extinction due to a mysterious global phenomenon. In a small town by a lakeside, the countdown to the end is visible everywhere. The story follows five characters—a doctor, a teenager, a retired teacher, a former soldier, and a young mother—as they come to terms with their inevitable fate. United by trag…
The story of the City of Silence is a tale of rebellion and the pursuit of individuality in a society governed by conformity. Set in a desolate city where personal expression is suppressed, the protagonist, Dr. Who, rides his motorcycle as a symbol of defiance and independence. Through his journey, he grapples with profound philosophical questions…
This is a deeply philosophical and spiritual journey set in a desolate wasteland, where the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse loom ominously. The story follows the enigmatic Wanderer, who embodies the collective human experience, as he confronts the Horsemen's destructive forces of conquest, war, famine, and death.
As the Wanderer navigates this tr…
In the aftermath of devastating events, our protagonist awakens to a transformed world in Detroit. The once thriving city now lies in ruins, a poignant reminder of the impermanence of human achievements. Amidst the debris and silence, he embarks on a philosophical journey of self-discovery and contemplation.
As he navigates the post-apocalyptic l…
Part of the Universe of OF THE EARTH
Five years after an enigmatic, parasitic alien force brought human civilization to its knees, the remnants of our species cling to existence in the cracks and crevices of a ravaged planet. Among them is Alec Sumner, a man haunted by the ghosts of a world lost and burdened by a fate that could tip the scales of humanity's fate, a secret nobody can …
#1 in Post-apocalyptic
10.0k views13
New chapter Every 2 days
After the Rapture, the Earth plunges into indescribable chaos. The stars fall from the sky, and all of creation trembles under God's final judgment. A small town, once vibrant, is now a landscape of ruins, home only to a group of survivors left behind. They are those whose faith was superficial, driven by personal interests, unconfessed doubts, or…
In a dystopian future, the city of Neo Gaia faces the threat of the Four Horsemen, each representing an aspect of imminent destruction: uncontrolled artificial intelligence, economic collapse, cyber warfare, and a biotechnological pandemic. Lucas Santoro, a young AI programmer, leads the resistance, facing each Horseman with determination and inge…
Rover and Hana stumble upon a wooden chest during their tomb raiding expedition, containing four mysterious artifacts that unleash the four horsemen of apocalyptic lore. Emerging from distant lands, these horsemen herald destruction and death.
*The Symphony of Shadows* is an immersive post-apocalyptic fantasy that explores the struggle for balance in a devastated universe and the journey of a young woman to restore the flow of time and hope.
"Resilience: A Spark in the Ashes" follows the journey of Lily, a young woman who wakes up in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by natural disasters and a deadly virus that has turned survivors into savage creatures.
As she navigates through the devastated city, she pieces together the events that led to the world's collapse. She learns to scaveng…
In a world devastated by a series of catastrophic events, Alex awakens in the ruins of a once-thriving city, disoriented and alone. The familiar urban landscape is now a desolate wasteland, inhabited by mutated creatures and scattered bands of hostile survivors. With no memory of the events leading up to the apocalypse, Alex embarks on a journey t…
In a bleak, dystopian future, society is governed by an oppressive regime that erases memories deemed dangerous to them. Your protagonist stumbles upon a forgotten library that holds books containing the memories of the world before the regime's control. Write about your protagonist's journey when he/she uncovers the truth, readers about an unforg…
A fast-paced novella that includes romance, bombs and zombies. Zomora and Roman are estranged lovers cast into a zombie apocalypse. Would Zomora take a cheating dog of an ex back if he was the last man alive?
Seven teenagers try to survive the end of a civilization and the beginning of the apocalypse after a disastrous day of what seemed to be an average high school day.
In a world devastated by a cataclysm, a history teacher tells her students about the origins of their traditions that give meaning to society. At the same time, she questions the fragility of existence and the hope placed in the opportunity to be alive.
Kaden has to make a cure to end the apocalypse while zombies are beginning to become more and more powerful as it continues. Will Kaden find a cure? Or will he be torn to shreds by zombies?
The best way is to... Find out...
Genre: HORROR, Post-apocolyptic.
Book two of the Strange Series)
Our lives depended on them to save us, but they failed us.
Left us one-sided.
We never asked for this.
And because of their insecurities, we suffer the consequences.
The few of us left, have survived this.
We will continue to fight.
Until our bones can't anymore.
Until our skins don't hold anymore.
Until then...
Available on Amazon Kindle ---- we face a war, unknown to society, we face it in complete silence, everything falls apart, step by step, our lives depend on the survival skills we have, and our survival depends on the steps we take.
If we quit now, there won’t be a tomorrow, and without the hope to face tomorrow, our future erupts.
We don't know when, we don't know how, and we don't know why, but something, or someone, tried to wipe out humanity, and it almost succeeded.
That was centuries ago, and we know little about it.
We don't understand the world we live in. We don't know why the sky is always gray, nor what are those giants of steel. But we survived, and one day, be s…
I'm no hero, I'm no martyr, and by no means I'm a victim. Those described on the next pages will only be good or bad depending on what the reader thinks of them. I, however...
Some time ago I was a soldier, and I killed following orders, then I was a survivor and I killed for food. Later I was a mercenary and I killed for a better life, and then I…
#2 in Post-apocalyptic
89.9k views129
New chapter Every 30 days
(No, the title is not a typo. There's a reason it's wrong writen)
Pandemic apocalypse is surely a thing.
But, we all know, keeping the infected out is not the only worry.
As time pass, stuff starts to lack: resources, security, other people, and sanity.
As a coward who is stuck in a small group, they write down how they feel, so they can out i…
The present world hinges on the economical system based on MONEY, but this is changing. The present pandemic is pushing humanity to a new stage of development. The first thing that must change to reach that new level is the definition of value. From money (which has been loosing its meaning more and more from the arrival of the Industrial age) to …
In a post-apocalyptic future, the earth was devastated by a nuclear war, humanity was forced to live in a small space free of radiation. Centuries later, energy weapons were created being less destructive in war. Rein Hasenton, is a skilled young man who has trained all his life, forced by his teacher, is assigned as his daughter's bodyguard, the …