Hero Armor Linea de tiempo alterada

Non Verified story Todo tranquilo hasta que resulta que soy un Héroe de otro mundo en futuro
10 CHAPTERS 27.7k views 5 7 New chapter Every 30 days

The Adventure of Myrrhe Bautista

Non Verified story Matatanggap kaya mi myrrhe kung ano siya talaga?
1 chapter 2.6k views New chapter Every Saturday

Quirk Academy

Non Verified story Will you accept it when you find out that you are quirkless? Or if you really are quirkless? There are people who have lived in the world with powers and others don't know about it. QUIRK ACADEMY is built for people with quirks. You can't just get in here if you don't have a quirk. Not everyone knows what a quirk is, because most of the people …
2 CHAPTERS 2.7k views 2 New chapter Every week

El bosque de canterville y sus maravillas

Non Verified story Un niño llamado Sebas encuentran grifo en el bosque y empieza su aventura por descubrir un secreto oculto del pueblo
4 CHAPTERS 2.7k views New chapter Everyday


Non Verified story in a world where dark magic are hated, how will you prove that they are wrong?
2 CHAPTERS 3.0k views New chapter Every Monday