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Avoid the pressure of the first lines

Photo: (c) | Helping Writers Become Authors

We consider ourselves writers. We have a thousand ideas in our mind that we would like to develop. We think about the end of the story (if you are a map writer) or the book already finished, however, we do not start writing.

And it is not that it is a blockage as such, but many times the pressure is in the first lines, that is to say, it is difficult for us to know how to start the writing. Well, here I am going to leave you some tips so that you can train that fluency when you start writing.

1. Find your moment. There are writers who feel more comfortable writing at night than in the day or vice versa. You must find that moment of inspiration for you, taking into account that it is your free period and you must be sure that you will not have interruptions when writing.

2. The place and setting are important. For the same reason of finding an environment that invites you to capture the ideas, you have in mind. It is not the same to sit and write with the sound of vehicles playing the horn to be listening to the sound of nature or a good piece of music.

3. No more distractions. The surrounding noises are not the only ones that can steal our inspiration but also an artifact that we always have at hand and yes, I talk about the phone. In the time you spend writing, disconnect from the world because you can lose the thread of your story by replying to the messages.

4. Write and then edit. This tip is one of the most important since many times when we start writing we don't like the result or it doesn't work out the way we wanted, so we delete it to rewrite it ... Turn off your editor! In that vicious circle, you will prevent the story from moving forward. It is better to have a written text, even if you know that you are not going to use it to have the page completely blank, so when you comply with your guideline of the day you will have an eraser that later. You will have the opportunity to edit. Good stories don't come out perfect at first.

5. Set up a goal... but don't overdo it. By this, I mean that you put a minimum of words per day or a week as a goal, but if you do better with time, you can also reserve a certain amount of hours to write. You must remember that the goal has to be within your abilities because if you put, for example, a minimum of 2.000 words when your achievements go on a smaller scale, what you are going to achieve is overwhelming yourself for not reaching your goal.

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Nov. 10, 2019, midnight 1 Report Embed 17

Comment something

Andrés Oscura Andrés Oscura
He encontrado estos tips bastante interesantes y pertinentes: muy en especial el número 4. En varias ocasiones desecho las ideas conforme las escribo en lugar de escribir la idea completa y al final editar. ¡Muchas gracias!
November 18, 2019, 20:10