Jennifer Ruffin Folgen

Pittsburgh, United States.
BEIGETRETEN Mär 24, 2021

Meine Stories

Romantical Tyrst Gaia

A place where the love of others dictates one’s actions instead of acting on selfish and greedy wants. Soulmates are linked and immersed into one another following the same path and growing together with their hearts beating as one.
2 Stories 1.1k Abrufe 2

Forbidden Happiness: True Love Nearly Missed

Nicht überprüfte Geschichte An unexpected romance kindles between two women who never thought that their close friendship was anything more than platonic. But when one suffers from a broken heart and leans on her friend for comfort they soon realize their close friendship is l…
809 Abrufe 1 Neues Kapitel Alle 15 Tage

2 Member Secret Society

A union between an introverted young girl and an unlikely companion that upon first glance would cause the girl to seem a couple cards short of a full deck. But take a closer look and you will see that this pair is not only a relationship to be envi…
11.1k Abrufe 2 9 Abgeschlossene Geschichte

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