"On Thursday, May 1st, 1975, in the spring, little Carmen, affectionately known as Carmensita by her father, was born in New York City. She was the youngest of fourteen siblings, born to a Dominican family that immigrated to the United States after her father, Viriato Peña Lisk, a Dominican-Greek veteran of the 1965 civil war in Santo Domingo, fought to liberate the island's liberal states. Carmensita's father had three wives and lived until the age of 96, passing away suddenly in Lynn, Massachusetts, at 9 pm, while Carmensita was cooking dinner for herself and her family. She received a devastating phone call from her older sister, Luisa, with news that would change everything. Carmensita's life has been filled with ups and downs, from learning her husband was released from prison and gained legal status to maintaining their nearly fourteen-year marriage, and now, coping with her father's passing. But everything happens for a reason."
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