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Iam a creation of the Almighty's might,

Born in Africa, the land of Kush's delight.

He fashioned me Black, and His gaze upon me shone,

Declaring me good, a treasure in His sight, forever known.

In the Bible's pages, my heritage is told,

Kush, meaning Black, a truth that never grows old.

Though languages vary, and tribes may differ wide,

I am Kush, united under the sun's radiant pride.

Though some may label me black, in God's eyes I shine,

Whiter than snow, a reflection of His divine design.

Saved, sanctified, anointed, a descendant of Kush born anew,

I rejoice in my identity, a child of God, forever true.

God's grace has paid the price for my sin's dark stain,

And I am proud to be Black, a reflection of His love's sweet refrain.

20. Juni 2024 13:42 0 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
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