kelly-alice Kelly Alice

Can a book of poems take you to another world? Will a collection of them make your mind swirl? Venture too deep, and the words start to breathe.... Why don’t you give it a whirl?

#12 in Poetry #6 in Romantik Alles öffentlich.

#poetry #lost #depths #dark #bones #story #light #poems #smoke
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Cobblestone pathways, and tall lanterned lights. Guide her through a journey into the cold and bleak night. Where haziness is thickened. With smoke rings and ribbons.

The crickets are silenced by the treacherous wind. Cutting through her. Slicing the worn soul within. She clutches the robe tight against her paper skin. Hoping for a sliver of warmth to bring her back again. The path becomes dimmer...darker, unruly. Her hands shake, her breath quakes.

Who was she fooling?

The voices chime in mingling with the wind, telling her to choose wisely.

Her demise may be timely.

She fears becoming lost has weighed upon her. She'll stumble, fumble, palms out before her...outreaching....Falling,

Falling, Falling. She began falling

Onto the cold, stone ground. Her mind wanders into the depths, searching. Just, searching. No light to guide her home. No signs to lead her on.

Would they use her memories as common pawns?

Could they replenish all that's been gone?

How would she fare at the first sign of dawn?

The thunder brings her back, and she'll leap from the ground. Bare, freezing feet one step from crashing down. Her fear, her sobs, and her cowardice will force her to drown.

Down in the thick air that surrounds her. Again she'll fall. Again she will fall. Down again, She'll let the darkness pull her. Flush against her skin.

This time much further, until She hears the call within.

Paintings of white stricken the sky. She'll pick up the lantern set to her right. Desperate to absorb the paint with her eyes. The lightening was instant, but she saw the light.

19. Mai 2024 20:39 1 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
Lesen Sie das nächste Kapitel Little Black Box

Kommentiere etwas

Janky Fluffy Janky Fluffy
I love the title of your book.
August 14, 2024, 01:57
Kushal Singh Kushal Singh
This poem is beautifully crafted, with a strong emotional core that resonates deeply. The imagery and language are both vivid and evocative, drawing the reader into the world you've created. Your words flow effortlessly, and the rhythm enhances the overall impact of the piece. You've managed to capture complex feelings in a way that feels both authentic and relatable. Truly a captivating read!
August 10, 2024, 03:24

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