She remembered her first shift like it was yesterday. The pain, the fear, the metallic and rust scent of blood. But, before that, she remembered him. She remembered meeting him. She remembered what it had been like to be held by him. Safety, warmth, maybe even the beginnings of love.
Two sections of memory, so vivid, so concrete that they seemed to overtake almost all the others. They begged to be noticed. They begged her to find a way that they could be reconciled, those two sections of memory. Yet, there was so much in the way.
That was then, though, and this was now. It was a now when she knew the difference between him and her. That was something that she hadn't understood, all those years ago. And, it was the difference that she understood, in this time of now, that meant she had to let him go. It didn't mean she could cling to him as she so badly wanted to do. Yeah, sometimes the now really, really stunk.
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