the-arts-inc The Arts Inc.

The titans appear and attempt to destroy the world, while a small group of people try to stop them. They go through a lot of challenges, but also meet new people, and find things they never thought existed! Shape-shifters humans titans and all!

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The Titans Appear

One gloomy Tuesday afternoon, there was a weird, loud sound emerging from a nearby mountain. The villagers started worrying since they’ve heard of a story of this sound before. A few days have passed and nothing has changed. Just then at that moment, a huge head emerges from the mountain moving slowly towards the village. Glaring down at the village. Everyone is terrified. The people get ready to evacuate then a huge flying titan came out of no where and started shooting balls of fire! Then, as if the titan were give a speed boost, they arrived at the village already! They started rampaging and they destroyed the entire village.

The villagers fled out of the village. Their village was on a island, so when they left, they by ship to the mainland. The name of the village is, Seculeoyu village. On their journey back they encountered marvelous things as well as near death experiences. Some of the marvelous things they encountered were; a mountain made out of clouds, an island made out of gold, animals they’ve never see of or heard of before, and more. The near death experiences were mostly pirate attacks as of it was a generation of pirates but other than that it was the sea animals. The island they were on was about three to four days away from the mainland by ship so they had a long trip.

11. Juni 2023 14:45 3 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
Lesen Sie das nächste Kapitel The Arrival

Kommentiere etwas

very original book
January 04, 2024, 17:00
Yahya Mohamud Yahya Mohamud
I like it
October 13, 2023, 14:21
Abbas Ali Abbas Ali
It's good
September 27, 2023, 06:35

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