Lynette Joy

Quartz thought the world was a boring place until her brother went missing and the police did nothing. Her eyes are soon to be opened to the world she had always lived in but never knew. At first this place seems amazing and all that is until she was tested for what magic she has. She's a Dreamer. The most powerful magicians are Dreamers...and also the worst killers too....

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I had always thought the world was a boring place. Everything predictable. You wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, go to bed, and then repeat. That was my thought process before everything fell apart. And before I became the world's most powerful know-it-all in the galaxy. This all had happened to me when I was still a clumsy, irritable, lonely fourteen year old girl with unpredictable hormones.

10. Februar 2023 18:13 0 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
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