rebecca-wolff Rebecca Wolff

Leni Welle was an impressively warm-hearted sister, but when Elsa Welle came home with her secretly married husband Simon Martin, something unbelievable happened. 

Drama Nur für über 18-Jährige. © Own work

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Chapter one.

It's been many years now. I looked back on my life through the eyes of an old woman. Many years had passed in which I had experienced so many incredible things that I could hardly count them with my bare fingers. I remembered one person too well though and her diary is now in my lap. The diary of my sister Leni. I would never forget her. She had been a person to be shaped, leaving dark and painful marks in the lives of two people. Also my life.

25. Dezember 2022 14:53 0 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
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