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Upcoming YouTube Interview & Other Cross-Team Projects

Our marketing team is working on a YouTube Interview project where we will be asking our guest authors what they love about inkspired - an interview that will not only promote the inkspired platform but a chance for the author to gain exposure. So, stay tuned, for more details.

We are also doing cross-team and cross-language collaboration in promoting books, blogs, features, contests, and events. Last but not least promote the ambassador program.

The collaboration started at discord and then we quickly drafted a spreadsheet to intake people interested in a number of social media tasks. We have also devised a spreadsheet that will make it very easy for us to promote the books, blogs, contests, and events that our Inkspired writers and readers all love.

We are all volunteers from different teams, and different ethnic backgrounds, all around the world.

If you want to learn more about our future updates, please follow the story, but until then, we sign off.

14. Oktober 2022 22:56 0 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
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