vijay_shriram_sk Vijay Shriram

This is a type of short story based on a real story! A girl who had a terrific dream wakes her up and that happens in the reality

Horror Teen horror Nicht für Kinder unter 13 Jahren. © None of my words shouldn't copy without the author's permission.

#teenhorror #dark #night #vijayshriram #theshawkinslab #comedy #teen #humor #inkspired #autorickshaw #horror #accident #autorickshawtomb
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Searching for a vehicle

This is a real story based on an incident that happened in Indonesia, happening in the years that belong to 47 years ago,

1975 in Rorem, a strange city. It was the rainy season.

On one day, the clock was ticking around a quarter of 10, and a teen girl who seemed to be 21 years old, searching for an auto-rickshaw to get back home. At a distance, she saw a light that was an auto-rickshaw. It wasn't. It was a small van full of goods. She was waiting for nearly 15 minutes, but nothing moved. When she started to walk, she heard a vehicle sound. When she turned back, it was an auto-rickshaw!.

She immediately,

"Stopppp! Stop! Please! My house is just seven kilometers from here! Please drop me in my house! " The driver noded. But there were already seven to eight members in the auto-rickshaw. She thought that no vehicle would come by after this time. So, she took a seat in the auto-rickshaw. It was very uncomfortable and not had enough space to sit. The rain started to pitter. The first few minutes of her travel went good but as soon as she felt strange. That the Auto Rickshaw went through a wrong route of her home. She asked the driver what's wrong. But the driver doesn't replied her.

7. Juni 2022 00:00 0 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
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