Reet Kaur Randhawa27

This is the story of many women who face the violence. Young Meera is an abusive relationship. Does she leave or just stay for the sake of her son?

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#Reallife #hardwork #hope #inspire
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Helplessness. Have you ever felt it? The undeniable pain; a moment; a realization; changes the course of your life. When one action, whether it is your own or that ofanother, forces you to choose.A choicebetween leaving them behind or not. A human condition,a threat to our sanity that only takes a moment to change our lives.

Meera found out that her husband,Randeep’spromiseto never touch a drink againwas a temporary and falseone. He drank again andwas cruciallyviolentwith her. She was shattered this time. She felt helpless and heartbroken.


Meera's husband was a boozer he used to drink a lot of alcohol and used to molest her physically and mentally. He made her life a dreadful one, It wasa livinghell. She was dying every single day because of him.

Meera didn't leave her husband because they were truly poor and doesn't she have any place to go, and she thought her son needs his dad. In the hope that he will change, Meera stayed with him for their son’s needs as she didn’t have any job to run her home and give her son a good life.

Sometimes she used to think of ending her life as she was tired of it, but she used to stop herself because of her son. She had a hope that the future will be better.

Because life is not about being happy all the time. Things happen. Meera showed courage hoping that Waheguru will make everything better for her. She used to have faith in God.

Meera's life - Or certainly the latter part of her twenties and now thirties was spent avoiding fights and divorce because of her son. But now their son was growing older she didn’t want him to see this negative and brutal behaviour and get affected.

Meera warned her husband many times that she will leave him if he drained alcohol again, however, he would have quit for a few days and again starts to drink and begins to restart the hate and violent process.

One day he was very drunk and out of control, so he took his belt and lashed at both of them. Meera said, "I am going from here with my son, enough is enough ".

Randeep said" I will promise you that I won't do it again"

But Randeep had already broken the last straw and she left away with her son.

21. Januar 2022 23:30 0 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
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