naiche-ianson1637132898 Nahkshon Kramer

A deep & in depth look at the esoteric & Kabbalistic meaning behind the the first verse of the Bible, Genesis 1.1. This book will delve into understanding the intricacies of the original language & ancient intentions. This is an esoteric biblical commentary to help unlock the 1st verse of the Bible in a way never experienced from outside the Chassidic world of Jewish Mysticism..

#1 in Historische Romane Alles öffentlich. © Naiche I'Anson

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In the beginning

Genesis/Berashis 1.1
Nahkshon Kramer Biblical Commentary.

In the beginning G'd created,
Berashis B-ra Elohim,

The heavens & the earth,
Et Ha-Shmayim Vey-Et Ha-Eretz.

Through these 10 utterances was creation formed. Through the Esrey Sefirot/Ten emanations of Devine light using the holy language of Hebrew - Lashon Koydesh. All things were formed. The Esrey Dibreyot/Ten commandments ten men for a Minyan to read the Toyrah, get Married, say Kaddish for a lost loved one etc.
For all these things the YUD/YAD 10 is needed & this represents the Yad-hand of Hashem, without the hand of Hashem nothing can stand, without truth there is no structure & existence crumbles.

Many forces we can not see we know exist for example electricity, gravity, weight, mass as many things appear small but due to great density can't be lifted by hand at all. To understand all these things we have had to delve further & comprehend that there is always more than meets they eye,

this is the nature of the Toyrah & the Hebrew language.—

17. November 2021 11:19 3 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
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Kommentiere etwas

DU Dan Urbaniec
Great read!
January 02, 2022, 11:16

  • Nahkshon Kramer Nahkshon Kramer
    Thank you so much for your feedback, means more than you know. May Ha-Kodesh Baruch Hu bless you & your family infinitely. May 08, 2022, 13:00
DU Dan Urbaniec
Great read!
January 02, 2022, 11:16

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