Lisa Panek

A book for children teaching them what to eat, and to help their parents use the fruits and vegetables to please everyone!

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The needs for kindness

When all of the towns children got together, they all met over their friends house to learn how to handle things as they grew up. Once all of the kids got together, they decided to go outside and help their mom's and dad's work on the garden of fresh fruits and vegetables! All of the children took turns taking care of the growing gardens. Because they all wanted fresh fruits and vegetables to eat.

15. Oktober 2021 01:10 0 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
Lesen Sie das nächste Kapitel The needs for kindness once the noises stopped, the kids were brave enough to go back into their own rooms! The children were no longer afraid anymore, and also mom and dad told them that every living thing needs water to live. When it storms outside...

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