Marshayla heard

This book is about the dead coming alive I say the dead is alive because it is the words that are in my mouth are true if u don't don't believe than leave because my heart wont cry out to u

Horror Geistergeschichten Alles öffentlich. © Non copy righted story

#true #stories
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That day

That day I was home. I thought I saw that red light again. That red light coming from the grave yard across the road. I couldn't move . My feet were sore all of the sudden, and I had a sharp pain in my back. I had a bad headache at the time so I decided to watch the movie that was playing on the TV in front of me.

But suddenly the electricity went out. The light and TV were off. I was scared but I couldn't move to fix anything. But there it was that red light out of the window in front of me , in my head I'm think that it might be a warning to leave and that's when I saw a large shadow standing behind me . I tried so hard to move but I could the door was locked I was home along and my husband's was at work and then that's when I felt the hands on my lips i tried screaming but that didn't work. The horror I that day was horrible. But I got myself together relax so it would think I'm dead, and it worked it let's go of me and that's when I could breath again.

23. Mai 2021 04:06 0 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
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