raza-khan1619364837 Raza Khan

A person who experiences his city in a different way and lives to tell his and it's story

Fan-Fiction Alles öffentlich.

#City #fiction #SouthAsia
Im Fortschritt - Neues Kapitel Jeden Sonntag
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Once there was a city, quiet, mysterious, up near the Hindu Kush mountains. the history of people living there was also shrouded in mystery. Not much is known about their ancestory. And years of migration of tribes from other areas didn't help either. But they were proud of their customs, stories and their way of living. one of the custom was to welcome guests and take care of them. They would ho out of their limits to help travellers, guests and help them in any way they could.

25. April 2021 15:56 0 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
Fortsetzung folgt… Neues Kapitel Jeden Sonntag.

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