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Homis p 1

The prince and she devil Once, Bodhisattva was born as the son of King Brahmadatta of Benaras. He was the youngest of the hundred sons the King had. As he grew up, he became the strongest and wisest of all his brothers. But since he was the youngest, he had no hope of becoming the king. One day, he asked the Silent Buddhas whether he stood any chance of being crowned. The Silent Buddhas informed him that if he could reach Takshila within seven days, he might become the king of Takshila. But they also informed him about the dangerous Devil Wood that would fall on his way. Next morning, the prince along with his five servants set off for Takshila. He carried a charmed string and some sand, which would ward off evil forces. However, while crossing Devil Wood he lost all his five servants who
6. März 2021 10:04 0 Bericht Einbetten Follow einer Story
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