Short stories & micro fiction

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Speak in silence Contest

Some people believe that eyes say more than a thousand words. In this contest, we challenge you to take out your creativity and make a short story, where the main character is voiceless. How are you going to develop the story? We leave that to you. BASES: 1. Write a short story with a minimum of 1,000 to 5,000 words. The number of words ONLY includes the body of the story, that is, the introduction, epilogue, etc. will not be counted. 2. The story must be new, that is, it has not been presented before. 3. The main category must be Short Story and so it must be classified. 4. You can use elements from the rest of the categories, except Fanfic and Non-Fiction. These mentioned categories will not be accepted. 5. The story should revolve around the main character who is voiceless, the rest will be freely chosen. 6. Only one story per user. 7. The minimum participation will be 20, otherwise, the contest will be cancelled. 8. The story should have (in the order mentioned): Argument - Crisis - Development - Outcome. 9. Start date: 12 / April / 2018 10. Deadline for delivery: 12 / May / 2018 PRIZE: 1. Cover ebook format. 2. Mockup. 3. Winner badge on profile. 4. Book stamp. 5. Social network’s announcement. RULES: 1. Write down your participation by clicking on the "Participate Now" button in the Contest section, right here (look for the title of this contest): 2. Use the #SpeakInSilence in the tags section of the story. 3. After 11:59 PM EST area of the deadline, no more stories will be accepted. 4. The story must be marked as Complete before the deadline, otherwise, it will be disqualified. 5. Within this community, you must open a new theme, under the heading "#ISpeakInSilence" and include the story you are participating with. In the message, you can mention what categories you included (if there are several) and how many words you have or how many you have (if it is not deadline yet). 6. Respect the Inkspired Terms of Use and Guidelines. CLARIFICATIONS: * The cover that will be giving away may be for the winning story itself or any other story that the user has inside Inkspired. * The delivery of the prizes may take several days.

April 10, 2018, 16:49 0
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