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#NewWritingContest - The poetic moment of going back

Sometimes to build the future you need to go back to the past. And in this new year we want to propose you a writing contest that is based precisely on that. All you need to do is to remember, feel, let your imagination flow and write. In this contest you will have to write a poem about the photography below.


The photograph was taken by the famous war photographer James Nachtwey, If you do not know this image or you have not seen it before, do not worry, it's even better, since everything you write about it will be based on what she transmits to you and only you.

The most sensitive, original and suitable poem for the photography will be the winner. Of course, spelling and grammar will be taken into account. Any error of these will subtract points.

Start date: January 5th, 2019

End date: Febraury 5th, 2019

Remember that... 

"Poetry is a literary style, based on the artistic manifestation by means of the word, in verse or prose, here, the aesthetic qualities of language prevail over the content."

Fuente: https://www.tiposde.org/lengua-y-literatura/100-tipos-de-poesia/#ixzz5bfDCz4s1

How does the contest work?

1. You must write a poem based on Nachtwey photography and publish it on your Inkspired profile.

2. Once your story is published, you can edit it until the contest’s deadline.

3. The story must be published as a SHORT STORY of the Poetry category.

4. You must tag your story with the hashtag #PhotographicPoetry.

5. The story must have a title, a proper cover, and a brief description.

6. It must be an unpublished story, and exclusively of Inkspired during the time of the contest.

7. Once the contest is over, the poem should remain published on Inkspired for a minimum of 6 months.

8. The contest will have a single winner. It will be announced between the second and third week of Febraury 2019.

9. The winners will be chosen by the Inkspired editorial team, and their choice will be based on the originality, and sensitivity of the poem. Also for the grammatical quality and compliance with the rules.

10. A minimum of 20 participants is required for the contest to be official.

11. To win extra points, you just have to upload and share your poem in your Social Media (Instagram or Facebook) and tag @getinkspired and @getinkspired_global

Competition rules

1. People from any part of the world can participate, but the story must be written in English.

2. The story should follow all the rules of writing a poem. 

3. The stories must be of your authorship, we do not accept any kind of plagiarism and there may be legal actions if this is infringed.

4. The stories have to be exclusive for the duration of the contest.

5. If you are not a current user of Inkspired and want to participate, you just have to register. It's free!

6. The story must have the hashtag #PhotographicPoetry in the hashtags section. In addition, it must have a title, a cover and a brief description of the work.

7. The poem must be inspired by Nachtwey photography, but it can have your own content and focus.

8. This time you can participate with a maximum of 3 poems. No more works by the same author will be accepted. If this happens, all works of authorship will be disqualified.

9. Anyone who does spam will be disqualified.

10. The terms of the contest must be fulfilled. No work that comes out of this period will be accepted.

11. Stories can be edited only during the contest term. Once closed, no change will be accepted.

12. Once the winners have been announced, they should write to [email protected] to coordinate the delivery of the prizes. If the winner is not pronounced within 15 days, the prize will be awarded to the second place.

13. You do not need to participate since the first day, you can do it whenever you want while the contest is open.

14. Participation in this contest means that the user knows and accepts the bases thereof.

15. We also have competitions in other languages -Spanish and Portuguese-, you can see them in the contest section of each language.



First place: 1 exclusive audio story  of his poem, and an art with the photograph and the winning poem, which will be promoted by all our media.

How to publish a story on Inkspired?

1. Go to www.getinkspired.com

2. Register as a user (if you are not already). You can do it manually or via Facebook.

3. Click on CREATE A STORY.

4. Choose the type of story you want to publish, in the case of the contest it must be: SHORT STORY

5. Write the title of your story and the category (in this case it would be POETRY). The title can be edited later if you wish.

6. Write your story as a single chapter.

7. Once written click on 'save' and then 'close and go to the story’s profile’.

8. Here you can add the hashtag #PhotographicPoetry, the description, the cover and the language. Remember that the hashtag must go both in the hashtag section and in the description.

9. Then you will have to go down to where your chapter’s title is and click on the button that says 'Draft' and change it to 'Published'.

10. You can see a video tutorial on how to post here: https://getinkspired.com/faq/ -but it is in spanish.

4. Januar 2019 21:32 1 Bericht Einbetten 12

How to become a writer with a low budget


Photo: Kinga Cichewicz

We know that the most common thing is that after graduating, we choose a professional career, obtain a degree, and even do a Master's degree. Learning and nurturing ourselves is always good, and now is even more necessary, because almost everything requires an academic degree. However, there are times when becoming a writer starts as a hobby and ends up as your profession. We don't know that we want to professionalize it until the desire to publish and generate income with it arrives. So we have to focus on improving our writing. Everyone can write, but not everyone writes well.

To do this, we need to invest, and we are not referring to money, but to time. There are thousands of ways to become a great author with a low budget, but the only requirement is to dedicate your time and all your desires.

Here we leave you some options that can support you to grow as a writer:

  • Attend Webinars or Online Workshops with recognized authors. There are many international writers who offer Webinars and/or specific workshops to learn how to write about a genre, improve grammar, or discover how to sell their books. In fact, on Inkspired we will have a new Webinar nextSunday, December 16th, which will be led by the great Ecuadorian witer, Kristel Ralston. She  -Amazon best-seller in romantic novel and specialist in this genre- will talk about "how to write a romantic novel and get an income with it". If you want to know more about this totally free event enter here.
  • Buy used books or read free digital platforms. Books are one of the few things that although they get older, they retain their value. Seize it. Today there are many bookstores or stores that sell used books, and you can even find old jewelry that you did not even know someone had written. They are usually extremely cheap. There are also digital platforms, where you can read authors from all over the world from your mobile and/or  computer. Remember that reading enriches your vocabulary, your style and your grammar.
  • Publish your stories on a digital platform or create a blog. When you are on the way to becoming a great author, you need people to follow you and read o you. You need feedback, comments, suggestions, and above all, expose your art so that people get to know you.
  • Download Apps to polish your spelling and grammar. Apps such as Grammarly, can support you to identify spelling errors in your writing. It is extremely important that a writer does not have spelling and/or grammatical errors. Another option would be to get an expert to read your story and make corrections.
  • Participate in writing contests. Writing contests are the key. They are an excellent way to motivate you, to take the best out of you and get feedback. Try to participate in different types of contests, of different genres and modalities, since this expands your experience and your creativity. Now at Inkspired we have a special contest for Christmas. Find out what it is about here

These would be some of the options to polish your writing with a low budget. However, keep in mind that the years of experience are the ones that make the most out of you. Do not stop learning by yourself, reading and, of course, writing.

7. Dezember 2018 16:22 0 Bericht Einbetten 13

#NewWritingContest - It's moment for some White Love

It's Christmas time. And Christmas is for snow, hot chocolate, lights, gifts, but also, for peace and love. Inspire yourself in it, and write a short story about romance -of maximum 600 words- that develops in this time of the year. Also, we want to make you go creative, so the story needs to have four main characters.

The most emotional and original short story will be the winner.And of course, spelling and grammar will be taken into account. Any error of these will subtract points.

So, are you ready for some #ChristmasTales?

Start date: December 1st, 2018

End date: December 31th, 2018

But what is the definition of Romance?

Among the various literature and cinema genres is romance, which refers to a romantic relationship, usually between two people. While it is impossible to frame certain stories in a single genre, those that turn the plot around the intimacy of two individuals who fall in love often receive the label of romantic, with all that this entails at the cultural level.

Authors: Julián Pérez Porto and Ana Gardey. Published: 2010. Updated: 2010. Definition: Definition of romance (https://definicion.de/romance/)

How does the contest work?

1. You must write a romantic short story, with a maximum of 600 words, and publish it on your Inkspired profile.

2. Once your story is published, you can edit it until the contest’s deadline.

3. The story must be published as a SHORT STORY of the Romance category.

4. You must tag your story with the hashtag #ChristmasTales .

5. The story must have a title, a proper cover, and a brief description.

6. It must be an unpublished story, and exclusively of Inkspired during the time of the contest.

7. Once the contest is over, the microstory should remain published on Inkspired for a minimum of 6 months.

8. The contest will have a single winner and a second place. They will be announced in the first two weeks of January 2019.

9. The winners will be chosen by the Inkspired editorial team, and their choice will be based on the orginality and emotion of the story, the grammatical quality and compliance with the rules.

10. A minimum of 20 participants is required for the contest to be official.

Competition rules

1. People from any part of the world can participate, but the story must be written in English.

2. The story can’t have more than 600 words, but it can have less.

3. The stories must be of your authorship, we do not accept any kind of plagiarism and there may be legal actions if this is infringed.

4. The stories have to be exclusive for the duration of the contest.

5. If you are not a current user of Inkspired and want to participate, you just have to register. It's free!

6. The story must have the hashtag #ChristmasTales in the hashtags section. In addition, it must have a title, a cover and a brief description of the work.

7. The story must have 4 main characters. It can have more (between secondary and main characters), but not less.

8. This time you can participate with a maximum of 3 stories. No more works by the same author will be accepted. If this happens, all works of authorship will be disqualified.

9. Anyone who does spam will be disqualified.

10. The terms of the contest must be fulfilled. No work that comes out of this period will be accepted.

11. Stories can be edited only during the contest term. Once closed, no change will be accepted.

12. Once the winners have been announced, they should write to [email protected] to coordinate the delivery of the prizes. If the winner is not pronounced within 15 days, the prize will be awarded to the second place.

13. You do not need to participate since the first day, you can do it whenever you want while the contest is open.

14. Participation in this contest means that the user knows and accepts the bases thereof.

15. We also have competitions in other languages -Spanish and Portuguese-, you can see them in the contest section of each language.



First place: 1 basic cover for any story of your own, and 1 Christmas art for your winner story. 

Second place: 1 Story Promotion Pack for free.

How to publish a story on Inkspired?

1. Go to www.getinkspired.com

2. Register as a user (if you are not already). You can do it manually or via Facebook.

3. Click on CREATE A STORY.

4. Choose the type of story you want to publish, in the case of the contest it must be: SHORT STORY

5. Write the title of your story and the category (in this case it would be ROMANCE). The title can be edited later if you wish.

6. Write your story as a single chapter.

7. Once written click on 'save' and then 'close and go to the story’s profile’.

8. Here you can add the hashtag #ChristmasTales, the description, the cover and the language. Remember that the hashtag must go both in the hashtag section and in the description.

9. Then you will have to go down to where your chapter’s title is and click on the button that says 'Draft' and change it to 'Published'.

10. You can see a video tutorial on how to post here: https://getinkspired.com/faq/ -but it is in spanish.

30. November 2018 13:00 1 Bericht Einbetten 7

The science of writing Science Fiction


Writing Science Fiction is not just getting into another reality, but creating it. Creating a brand new universe: strange, different and extraordinary, but without being in accordance with real times. This makes it difficult to write it, but fascinating.

Writing a science fiction novel has many points to take into account, and it is essential to learn them to have a successful novel with an interesting plot.

In general terms you should know that:

1) You have to learn science, as the american writer and biochemistry teacher, Isaac Asimov, said. This does not mean that you become a scientist, but you do need to have a basic notion of it.

2) You must read everything. Reading expands your vocabulary, it polish your writing and improve your way of telling a story and describing the characters. However, it is essential that you read Science Fiction novels, as this way you will acquire the tricks of the trade and the way of interweaving the environment with the plot.

3) Your story should be interesting. And to be interesting you must have a conflict that the main character tries to solve. It is not just a matter of creating the perfect science fiction environment, but knowing how to engage the reader in an interesting plot.

4) The time and setting are fundamental. And with this, we mean in what time or era the story is taking place and the resources you are using in it. There can be no inconsistencies. That is, if your novel takes place in medieval times, you will not make the characters have computers or mobile phones to communicate.

5) You must know that Science Fiction is not the same as fantasy. They differ in many aspects, but the main one, according to María del Mar Glez Gómez, is that "if the story follows the basic rules of physics, biology and mathematics, it is science fiction. Meanwhile, if it has elements whose explanation is impossible through science (like magic), it is fantasy. "

6) Likewise, since Sci-Fi is not fantasy, your characters are not either. So, give them human qualities. Although one of them is a robot or a non-human being, make them have characteristics or feelings of this type, this will make the reader feel identified with him. Do not forget that when a reader feels identified with a character, you have win him/her.

7) Science Fiction plays with the past, the present, and the future. And it includes elements that start from a real assumption, but they can end being extraordinary. However, it is always possible, while fantasy is not.

8) Being Sci-Fi doesn't means it can't be mixed with other literary genres. There are many works that mix science fiction with fantasy, or with action. Find your style, and save it.

These are some of the general points to take into account when sitting at the computer toget inside your science fiction world. This genre gives a lot, and for the same reason readers like it so much. Anyway, the more you get into it, you will discover new and different ways of telling a good story.

7. November 2018 11:23 0 Bericht Einbetten 8
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